Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A call to a good friend. An hour and a half on the phone with my little sister Cassandra make today great. We talked about some things that mattered, and then took Facebook quizzes. I love my sisters and friends. Thanks Bakester for always listening to my rambles!

Cooking. I made lentejas, my favorite recipe from my host mom. Mmmm, tasting it and see it turn out exactly like Loli's made my night! I miss Spanish food, so I'm really excited I can master this 5 ingredient dish!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A walk. I took a 7 mile hike to and through our county park. This was the best part of the day. I learned that "calumet" means "peace" and that there are quite a few boats that use this harbor. More importantly, I was reminded just how beautiful Wisconsin is. Bare fields and blue skies. Wonderful!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Back in America with so much to be thankful for!

Well friends,

It has been one month and a day since my return to the good ole US of A and I must tell you, I am shocked at how easy it has been to transition back into my life here. Sure, I won't lie, there are things every day that I miss about Spain and times that I wish I was back there. There are attitudes that I have come across that frustrate me in ways that they wouldn't have before I left. Certain aspects of American culture, in the family, the work world, politically and economically, that drive me crazy now that I probably didn't even notice before, but I knew all of that was coming.

My transition home has been so great because of the people and things I am surrounded by. As you all probably know, I had a really hard time being away from home. It was alot harder than I would have ever imagined, and only in reflecting on my time there am are starting to realize just how lonely, depressed, and really quite pathetic I was. I think if I hadn't been hindered by my homesickness, it might have been a very different trip, but then again, it took this trip and the experiences I DID have to help me grow into the person I am now. I was always independent, or at least thought I was, but now I think I really can be. The distance between you and the ones you love can be great, I know now, but they are still there for you. I think I have matured into that realization, that no matter where I wander in life, the people that matter most to me will always be there. It took finally leaving it all behind to come to that reality.

I am so grateful for my time in Spain. Thank you to my parents for making it possible, to friends, family, and co-workers for offering advise and support, and to all for putting up with me now with my stories and "this is how they do it in spain" comments.

But now, I am home, a global citizen, ready to take on new challenges, and I will, but appreciating every day and every moment more than ever before.

At one point I read a blog entitled something like "the best part of my day..." I loved this idea. Record the best part of each day, what made that day special, what you were grateful for.

This will be the purpose of this blog, to record a daily (or as close as I get) log of the best part(s) of my day, things that made me happy, or people that need to be thanked. I hope that doing this will remind me, everyday, or what it took four months in Spain to teach me: that it is the people and moments in life that make each day worth living.
